How to open Apple Pages Files in MS Word or Google Docs


If you want to open a file with the .pages extension in MS Word:

  1. Save the file on your Windows computer.
  2. Right-click on the file and select Rename.
  3. Remove the .pages extension and enter .zip as the file extension.
  4. Open the Zip file. This will show you several files. .pages files are a compressed collection of files.

If you associate winzip or winrar with the .pages files on Windows, then double click on the .pages file, you can read the contents and save a local copy.

How to open Mac Pages File Using Google Docs

  1. Go to Google Docs
  2. Upload the Zip file or the pages file(s) to your Google Account
  3. Open the Pages file(s) in Google Docs. The pages document is displayed.
  4. Print the document (this converts the pages / docs document to PDF)
  5. Save it as PDF.
  6. In the PDF Reader, export the file to .txt format.

That way at least you have the text in the .Pages file.